
Thursday, November 19, 2015

How to Prep Your Plumbing For Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving is just a week away!  As you get your dinner plans together and invite family and friends over for the holiday, don't forget about your plumbing!  Taking a few steps towards preventing plumbing problems next Thursday will help ensure your Thanksgiving celebrations go smoothly.

Thanksgiving Plumbing Tips:
  • Treat Your Disposal Carefully - You should always be careful about what is going down your drain, even if you have a garbage disposal.  Starchy, stringy and greasy foods can clog your disposal and keep it from working effectively.
  • Dispose of Grease - While grease may look like a liquid, it will harden when cooled.  Keep grease out of your plumbing pipes or you might end up with a slow draining sink.  Instead of dumping grease down the sink, place it in a container where you can dispose of it.
  • Keep An Eye On Your Dishwasher - Many people don't realize that your dishwasher empties into your garbage disposal!  Any leftover starchy foods (potatoes), stringy foods (vegetables) and greasy foods (turkey), that are stuck to your plates can slow down your drains.  Make sure that plates are cleaned off before you put them into the dishwasher.
  • Run the Water - Keep the water running while you are cleaning the dishes after Thanksgiving dinner.  This will help make sure that any food particles are down the disposal and that they do not get stuck and clog your drains.

If you run into any problems with your plumbing system this Thanksgiving, give our office a call!  Our highly trained plumbing technicians are here to help you with all of your home plumbing needs - no matter when they occur.  Call 585-216-3058 to contact our office or visit our website to learn more about the plumbing and remodeling services that we offer to the Rochester area.

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